How to Choose Energy Efficient Lights for Your Home

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There are a lot of reasons to want energy efficient lights for your home! It’s kind to the planet, and it also reduces your energy bills, allowing your wallet to breathe a sigh of relief. But saying you want energy efficient lights for your home is a lot easier said than done!

Let us help you understand what to look for in your search for the right lights for your home!

Watt Does All This Mean?

When looking for the right energy efficient light fittings to complement your home, you’ll likely encounter a whole host of jargons you don’t understand. What do all of these terms and words mean? How does it affect your choice and your light fittings? Let’s dive right into answering those questions now!

Watt: Watts are a measure of energy

Lumen: Lumens are a measure of brightness

A lower wattage will help you lower your energy bill, while a higher brightness comes from more lumens. Ask yourself whether you want blinding brightness or soft mellowness. This is where your lumens will matter. Expect around 400 lumens for a bedside lamp, and 1500-3000 lumens total for your living room (these don’t all need to come from the same light source).

Colour Rendering Index: Colour rendering index or CRI refers to how accurately your light source represents various colours. Remember “The Dress” that became a viral sensation back in 2015? This all has to do with lighting, or CRI. A good score is anything above 80, but 90-100 is the preferred range.

Annual Cost: Annual cost is, of course, what you’ll be paying yearly. Energy efficient bulbs should save you money in the long run.

Energy Star Qualified: If you want an energy efficient LED bulb, we recommend Energy Star qualified bulbs – this means they’ve gone through numerous quality tests and have been proven to last longer and have been built to be better.

Kelvin: Kelvin refers to the colour temperature of your energy efficient lightbulbs. The higher your Kelvin is, the cooler your energy efficient light will be. Lights over 5,000K tend to give off white or blue colours (cool colours) whereas those under 3,000K tend to give off warmer hues like yellow or red. Consider the atmosphere of the room these lights will be installed in to decide the Kelvin you want to go for. Warmer lights give off a cosier ambiance, meaning they fit well in bedrooms. Higher Kelvin value lights help promote alertness, making them ideal for offices or study rooms.

If the Bulb Fits…

 If you’re looking to replace your current bulbs with energy-efficient alternatives, make sure that the fittings match! The shape of the light matters because this dictates the spread of light. Take note of the bulb you need before heading to the store to ensure you don’t waste your time and money.

Increase Your Home’s Energy Efficiency Today!

 And there you have it – the basics of choosing energy efficient lighting fixtures for your home! For more help on maximising your home’s energy efficiency, get in touch with a local electrician today!

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